🐳 Docker installation (Virtual Environment)

This guide explains how to set up a Docker-based development environment for building and developing Dave repository and related software.

⭐ For Linux machines (X86 64bit; AMD64)

🚧 Step 1: Install Dependencies

Follow these steps to install the required utilities on your host system.

▶️ Install Docker

Running Docker is more trustworthy if you are not so familiar with installation process. If you choose to use the container-based installation instructions, the following are required:

▶️ Using NVIDIA GPUs with Docker

<aside> 💡 If you don’t have external discrete GPU and to use internal GPU, skip this part


▶️  Install Rocker (the Open Robotics Docker CLI) and Dockwater

<aside> ℹ️ Please follow these steps to install Rocker on Ubuntu 24.04
